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Thursday, March 4, 2010

If we have any more shots we are going to spring a leak!

There is thorough and there is THOROUGH! The kids and I have been working our way through the requirements of Nicks employer regarding our readiness for this posting. And boy are they thorough! All up the kids require 11 shots over the course of a month. All of this on top of what they had for Cambodia. Why is it that kids shots all come in a series of 3? Even things like swine flu require 3 in kids when it is just one for us. Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis, Typhoid, Meningitis, Tetanus Hep A, Hep B...Hep God knows what else!. They have been very stoic about it all as they are so excited to go and live in Vietnam. Bribing with chocolate also helps. They watched intently (and very closely) today as I had three more then screamed as they had theirs. It was all over in a flash and they seemed to recover quicker than the last 4 they had. Lets hope the next 4 go just as well.I have had to have chest x-rays, lung tests, shots, blood tests...the list goes on. On the up side, we have not had to pay! I can only imagine what this is costing. Our last appointment went for four and a half hours. The valium was free! I must say however, it is reassuring that they are fully immunised and from my point of view, cholesterol, liver, lungs, HIV, syphilis(!), cell counts etc are all good. I will still be getting bulk discount at Chemist Warehouse before I leave with a virtual pharmacy in our bags. If it is one thing I will not compromise on it is the kids (and our) health. I have stocked up on the Vitamins and the Rescue Remedy (no...not Vodka!). My head is still spinning with all that has to be done but we are getting there bit by bit. It is great that we know a bit about the country and know that we are not going to be choppered into the wilds of the Amazon where nothing is available. Ho Chi Minh can be a very modern city with great doctors and I do not feel we will suffer for anything in any way. All part of the adventure I the vodka spurts out of the holes in my I have another one to top up!

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