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Monday, June 6, 2011

My flower fairy

Scarlett had her first ever ballet recital yesterday morning.  The girls, led by Ms Tam, have been practicing for weeks to transform into beautiful little flower fairies.  We were very proud of her.  She was beautiful.
Contemplating stardom.

In her defence, it was pretty sunny.

Don't make me go mum!  Just kidding.  He wanted to go and see his girlfriend.

Fairly confidant that is not what the bar is for.

No wonder he was grinning like an idiot....he saw Carys!

Official camerman

All the little fairies in a row.  So cute.

The adoring public

...and she's off!

Loving her feet in this one.  Maybe she is a natural?

Quiddy did not miss see a thing.

We were treated to a performance from a few bigger ballerinas.


  1. Scarlett looks gorgeous as do the others. Love the girl with her fingers up her nose!! Shirl

  2. Too funny! I didn't notice that one. A double barrel no less!


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