Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Moggysmekongmadness

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bye...for now.

It is time for Christopher and I to head back to Australia tomorrow for him to have the second of 2 operations on his ear.  The first one (above) went really well and we are of course hoping for the same outcome for the second one.  Nick and Scarlett are staying here for now so as the time gets closer to saying goodbye I am a little surprised at how emotional I have become.  The kids have only ever been apart for one night and Scarlett and I never.  I am sure the kids will take it in their stride and in this amazing day and age of Skype etc we will hardly feel like we are apart (I hope).  So the blog might be a bit quiet for a while but if I get a chance I will post some pics on what we get up to back home.  One thing about living overseas is that as a family you become incredibly close.  We will all be reunited for Christmas and I am already counting the days.


  1. Have a safe flight Dani and I pray that Christopher's operation goes well.

  2. What a spectacular name that is! Love it! Thanks for the wishes from you both. At the airport.... and I only cried a little bit :)

  3. Good luck, heart. Our brave Quiddy - give him our love love love. Txx
    PS: please let me know if our Christmas card arrives. Stress = not being able to remember if sent one. xxx


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