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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Book Week

This week the school celebrated Book Week.  It is a much anticipated event each year where the emphasis is on the joy of books and the importance of reading.  There were "Reading Pirates"who roamed the school grounds ensuring that the children had a book on them as well as a visit from an author and poet.  There was even no homework with the children instructed to read instead.  My kids had a great week.  One of the highlights is the costume parade where the children get to dress up as their favourite book character and perform for the parents.  Unfortunately Christopher came down with a very nasty case of Gastro which ended in an emergency visit to SOS.  He is much better this morning but unfortunately missed the parade.  Scarlett Rose however made a special appearance as Dora the Mermaid.
For the truly devoted...a video of her performance.

Even the 7 dwarves made an appearance.

Hates to pose for a photo does our Scarlett

Dancing her mermaid tail off doing the Funky Monkey song.  How apt!

All of the kids had a great week.  Now I have to figure out how to get her out of the costume.  She won't take it off!!

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