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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bring It On!

I'm such a nanna. It's 7.30 and yes, I'm in bed. Had a great night out last night and ended up on the Long Island Iced teas. For the uninitiated, 5 white spirits in a glass with a dash of coke. Nuf said. I came home at 11.00pm to relieve Quyen and left Nick out. He did not turn up until about 0630 this morning but he did come bearing gifts of hot meat pies and pastries. Trust me, it hit the spot. So the kids are in bed and Nick has head to head out again to meet up with some work colleagues who are in town. He tells me it won't be a big one...stay tuned.
I am really looking forward to this week. The kids appear to be more settled at school and now that all our stuff is here and in place it is time to explore a little bit. I want to start to make sure I am running every day and then head out to a different part of town and find my bearings a bit. There are some things I need for the apartment like indoor plants etc so it should be fun to try and source those. Shopping over here my sound great but often in reality it is just damn hard work. Quite often, as in Cambodia, you will need to go to several supermarkets to exhaust the shopping list. Novel to begin with but I assume a pain in the butt eventually. I am starting to get an idea of what I should be paying for things which helps. No plans for the week so we can just wait and see what pops up. Well it is now 7.37pm so I Definitely have to go. God forbid I am awake after 8.00pm.

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